Friday, May 20, 2011

Josiah's Notes

Yesterday we went to a small cemetery in Gettysburg and had paper and a pencil. We put the paper on top of two graves and scribbled on the paper which then the Soldier from Ohio their name was on the paper. Several hours later a tour guide came on the bus and told us about The battle,people,and the buildings. The guide also told and showed how the cannons worked,what kind of ammo it used,and what kind the cannon is. He also took us to places where famous battles took place like little round top. Some places we didn't go to we saw. We also went inside monuments. Sometimes it took forever just to reach the top. The guide took us to a really high tower to show us how high ground is like. I was really tired when I got to the top. It was an awesome view, now I know how it feels like to be on high ground. The guide asked questions on the bus I answered one correctly and he gave me a bullet made out of lead. He then left us so we went to the Dobblin House to eat. After eating we went with our shaperones to go shopping I got a Confederate Dog Tag. We then at 8:00 PM Went with a ghost story guide and walked around Gettysburg while he was telling us ghost stories. He said that it haunted the people that saw the horror. Today people still see the ghosts and strange things happen to the houses that are still here today and here during Gettysburg. There are bullet marks in several houses and a cannonball in one house.

Sent from Josiah's IPod

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